How we do it
Unlike many of the alternatives out there, we've been around the mobile space for quite a while, and we like to think that our experience will make yours a painless one.
So how does it all work?
Toco Connect is a ubiquitous, agnostic system. Apps for mobile devices are available in the Google Play, Apple's App Store and a specialist client is available for download on any PC or Mac. All these iterations are designed to communicate with a dedicated Toco Connect server, freely passing bidirectional data over the air, but also available to the user when off-line.
The server itself is stored on your premises. It's completely secure and isolated, not reliant on any web or cloud service. As well as communicating with any device out in the field, it can also act as a bridge to any and all of your existing databases, irrespective of how or when they were built. In effect, it offers a direct line for any mobile device into your existing systems.
This kind of enterprise solution is not traditionally considered to be an out-of-the-box product. This level of integration is normally associated with bespoke, tailored and consequently expensive systems.
It's quick to develop, quick to deploy, easy to adapt and offers a return on investment with which others simply cannot compete.